Alexis Velez

Dr. Alexis Velez is currently an Adjunct Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and an Adjunct Professor in the Physical Chemistry Department of the Chemical Engineering program at the Faculty of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences (FCEFyN) at the National University of Córdoba (UNC). He graduated as a Chemical Engineer from FCEFyN at UNC in 2005 and completed his doctorate at the Chemical Engineering Pilot Plant (PLAPIQUI) of the National University of the South (UNS), receiving his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 2012.

He has extensive experience in the experimental field, particularly in high-pressure and high-temperature processes, and specialized in the study of volumetric properties of mixtures with high asymmetry in molecular weight and chemical nature, as well as in the study of reaction kinetics in supercritical reactors, specifically the transesterification reaction of vegetable oils with supercritical alcohols to produce biodiesel.

Throughout his doctorate and his career as a researcher and professor, he has conducted stays and collaborative work with foreign universities. During these stays, he expanded his knowledge in the experimental area and established links with high-level foreign institutions.

He is currently working on the utilization of biomass resources to obtain high value-added products, focusing on low environmental impact technologies. His current work includes the extraction of antioxidant compounds from plant matrices using subcritical fluids and the study of esterification reactions to obtain glycerides with industrial applications.
